Sunday, July 1, 2012

Charleston, South Carolina: The Sweat!

Gross. This weather is disgusting.

Due to my late arrival at the hostel last night, my room assignment was mixed up. I ended up sleeping on a random bed in a room full of guys. I didn't know it was a room full of guys since I went to bed after 3am. What I noticed about the room is that it was stifling hot and smelled like feet.

This morning, I found out that I actually had a frigid room waiting for me with pleasant girls who smell clean. I'm so looking forward to sleep tonight!

As I couldn't sleep in, I went for a run. Big mistake. This heat rivals the tropics. Due to the intense heat,  all I could think about was the sweat dripping off of my pony tails.

After a shower and breakfast, I was still feeling sticky. Walking to town only increased my discomfort. Sure, I felt the sweat dripping down my back, but I didn't know that my clothes were as sweaty as if I'd gone running.

My dress darkened with sweat marks! Damp, dark fabric rose from my belly to two crescent shapes below my breasts. I guess my bra was doing a good enough job of soaking up the sweat. Ick! Gross! I was mortified!

As soon as my roommate and I found a coffee shop, we ducked into there and stayed until our clothes dried out. In the meantime, all that sweat and AC left me fa-reeeeezing. In fact I was so cold that I was shivering.

Dammit. Remind me again why we need to sweat outside of the bedroom?

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