Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mig Bar

Mig Bar is becoming my neighborhood bar even though it is nowhere near my neighborhood. People living on that end of Adams Morgan don't even know how lucky they are.  The few locals that I've met there are very friendly and talkative.

There's Alex, who rides her bike to work at some artsy-fartsy place downtown. Every second Sunday she leads the regulars in a time of arts and crafts. I won't make her February art night since I have the kids this next weekend, but I hope to make the craft time next month.

Van is the bartender who looks very Soviet. With his uniform of a black fisherman's cap and neck scarf, he blends in well with the murals in the tiny bar. His love of classic black and white movies is the reason why a movie like La Dolce Vita can be seen projected on the wall.

Embarrassingly, I can't remember the bouncer's name. Each time he greets us with just as big of a smile as Alex or Van. Last time he even bypassed checking my ID  with a, "Oh, I know who you are."

One weeknight I'd like to sojourn into the city to enjoy the quiet of the mid week so that I can get to know the natives in their natural habitat.

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