Monday, March 19, 2012

The Grocery Stores are Full of Masochists

I mean really, why don't more moms have groceries delivered? Like many people, here are my choices:

1) Take all 34 kids with me to the store.  Appease them while I forget to look at my list thus forgetting critical items. Agonize over the embarrassment of my baby standing in the cart while people try to teach me a lesson with their stern looks. And, don't forget, kids want EVERYTHING they see! 

2) Shop on the weekends when the lines are so long that by the time I'm done shopping and paying for my mountain of food, I could've driven to the beach. And back.

3) Go online while the kids play video games or watch TV or finish their homework. I transfer my whole list onto a webpage -- which means I'll never come home again regretting that I forgot to buy milk. Or as we finish something in the house, I just add it to my online list.  Then I have the leisure of choosing between a delivery that includes the driver carrying the groceries into my kitchen or leaving the groceries packed in dry ice and boxes outside my garage. I don't even need to rearrange my schedule to be home to accept the food!

When it comes to relationships, I might be the masochist. But no one can accuse me of self loathing when I have my groceries delivered to my house.

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